Total images in all categories: 164
Total number of hits on all images: 473,785
Total number of hits on all images: 473,785
Top 12 last commented images
- 30 " Dobsonian reflector_1
- Category Equipment
- Author: Andys
- Hits: 3686
- Downloads: 46
- Rating: 3.00 (1 Vote)
- Comments: 2
- wrote Andys on Sunday, 16 November 2014 Certainly, currently undergoing final adjustments. Looks promising.
- 30 " Dobsonian reflector_1
- Category Equipment
- Author: Andys
- Hits: 3686
- Downloads: 46
- Rating: 3.00 (1 Vote)
- Comments: 2
- wrote Guest on Sunday, 16 November 2014 Is it resurrected?
Total images in all categories: 164