Welcome to....


"Dedicated to the furtherance of Amateur Astronomy"

`40 years of public astronomical observing`


*Saturday  Weather at site. ....TBA


If you are passing Saturday afternoon and its still light, come and see the Camera Obscura, possibly the

largest projection table in the UK

Bookings and enquiries .. see contact page

 Come and join us on Saturday evening and explore the night sky using a range of telescopes.

Formal guided talks resume in October......watch this space.


This years Perseid meteor shower gathers pace...see Meteor section



Aurora on 10th May 22.00  to 00.30 ...Sony NEX5. Old Brown Wardle , Rochdale



Comet in Aries.




Thanks to member Pamela for our new front door mosaic





The Astronomy Centre is a major resource for both amateur astronomers and the general public. Based above Todmorden in the North West of England, we have facilities and on-site equipment for both members and visitors.

The site offers a good compromise providing a reasonably dark site, while remaining close to the major conurbations of Manchester and Leeds. Approximately 8·1 million people (13% of the UK population) are able to reach the Astronomy Centre with less than a 60 minute drive.

The Observatory is open to the public every Saturday evening from 7.30pm  until late throughout the year. During the Summer months of June, July and August, we are also open afternoons from 3pm till 6pm ( except Sundays) for solar viewing and demonstration of the Camera Obscura. Visitors are advised to wrap up warmly, with sensible footwear, as the site can get very cold at any time of year and bring a torch to help find the way. There is no formal charge for visitors, but a small donation would be appreciated, as a minimum could we suggest £3 per person (£1 for children and concessions), though further donations are always welcome! Group visits can also be made at other times by arrangement.

Please park on the lower plateau, next to the caravans. ( take care driving on the access track- deep potholes! ).   Access for unloading of telescopes etc. and disabled parking is available at the highest point of the site, next to the main dome. Further details are on our "Where are we"  Page.

Individual membership of the Centre is £15 per year (29p per week) and £30 per year for a family membership (see the "contact us" page). Membership permits the use of the Centre's equipment as appropriate, unlimited technical and instructional advice, access to the members level of the website, the library and priority entrance to special events. If you live a distance away from the centre why not become a `friend of the Astronomy Centre ` for £5.00 per year.

  For scale, the main dome is about 8.5m (28ft) in diameter.




Occultation of Mars 04.55 8th December 2022. Sony Nex5 with 6" Refractor and 16" SCT






After the snowfall ?


Latest data for the 2020 Geminid meteor shower.... we have added the plot for the 13/14 th. Looks like the peak may have been around 21.30 on the 13th,  although an actual count may change things. The plot shows that either way the evening intensity / power was more pronounced for individual trails.

For this years Quadrantids we have a sample of the daily plot showing a peak around 0400 on the morning of the 3rd Jan. Local interference spoilt the plot between 19.30 to midnight. The morning opf the 4th (  predicted peak ) will follow.


Mars closeups

Jon from Oldham has just sent us some excellent views of Mars taken in the last few weeks ( above). Using an 8" Cassegrian telescope , modified webcam and stacking software.


The last panel is installed in the 3Peaks Radio Telescope dish below..




A visitor to the AC... Comet Neowise.

Below a spectacular cloud and comet show from

Paul Yates in Howarth



 AC staff working on the Stonyhurst 15" Refractor

 The AC does its bit for childrens TV.  




 Recently deceased members -  John Bradbury and John Lester

We are sad to hear of the passing of Wendy Rath, a valued founder member of the Astronomy Centre