International SUNday June 26th 2016
Report.............The day started cloudy and remained so for the bulk of the afternoon. Occasional patches of blue sky tempted members to break out the Ha scopes but as soon as equipment was set up the cloud obscured the sun again. Some radio astronomy measurements were taken. Consulting the Internet solar reports showed low activity, a minimum of sunspots and small prominences on the solar limb. Blue sky was seen to the east of the AC for some time- we hope observers further into Yorkshire had better luck. Rain started at 16.15.
Solar Flux @ 2.7 Ghz , 8 element loop antenna, broad band RX.
Instruments available on the day.
6" F10 PST mod Ha telescope, Istar objective, 110mm Baader D-ERF fitted internally, BF15 Coronado blocking filter.
SM60mm Coronado etalon on a 80mm Skywatcher Startravel and BF15 Coronado blocking filter.
Standard Coronado PST
8.5" F12.5 refractor with 8" white light solar filter.
Plus other equipment brought on the day by Astronomy Centre members.