Total images in all categories: 164
Total number of hits on all images: 473,785
Total number of hits on all images: 473,785
There is one sub-category in this category
Radio Astronomy
- (3 images)
- Hits: 6,338
There are 27 images in category
- 1.8 metre dish_1
- Author: andyjss
- Hits: 3488
- Downloads: 53
- Rating: No Votes
- Comments: 0
- Description: Prime focus dish for RA experiments
- The 16 " Meade on the Scott mount_1
- Author: Andys
- Hits: 3111
- Downloads: 45
- Rating: No Votes
- Comments: 0
- Description: In the main dome the Scott mounted 16" Meade is used by visitors at the weekend.
There are 27 images in category

Total images in all categories: 164